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What is Yayi?

Yayi is a open-source image processing framework, which particularly focuses on Mathematical Morphology operators. It is released under the very permissive Boost licence. The core of Yayi is entirely written in C++, mainly using templatized code and metaprogramming, which enables a high level of genericity. It implements some of the main concepts of Mathematical Morphology into an efficient and proven design. Yayi aims at providing robust, efficient and flexible algorithms for image analysis, but also reference algorithms for Mathematical Morphology. Among its main features, one can cite:

Yayi can be used in three different ways:

I develop Yayi during my spare time and your feedback will be very much appreciated! (my email: replace the second '.' of the address of this page by an '@')

You can subscribe to Yayi's google group at the following address: http://groups.google.com/group/yayi-morphology (or directly below) to stay up-to-date with Yayi developments.

Downloads and Latest news

Current development tag is "What is this cute blue monster with this enormous mounth?". Things are getting more interesting lately! A lot of functionalities and bugfixes were added in the last v0.03 release.

After having downloaded Yayi source code, take a look at this section for build instructions.

The source code

New version on 09.02.2010!

Take a look at the change logs!

automated release part<-->

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Google Groups
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